1. Demographics
This chapter examines new entrant respondents to the EAS with a disability by:
- % with a disability
- type of disability
- gender
- age
- home county
17.8% of new entrants state they have a disability
A total of 6,035 new entrants state they have a disability in 2021/22 – 17.8% of the total number of EAS respondents. This is down from 18.1% in 2020/21, and up from 16.6% in 2019/20.
Figure 2. Percentage of new entrants who state they have a disability
The most common disability is Learning Conditions at 37%
Figure 3 shows the percentage of new entrants who state they have a disability by the type of disability. Learning Conditions (37.0%) and Psychological / Emotional Conditions (31.2%) are the two most common disabilities reported by new entrants.
Approximately 14.5% state they have multiple conditions. Of those with multiple conditions, the vast majority have two conditions (86.6% in 2021/22). Nearly all have either two or three conditions (98.7% in 2021/22).
Figure 3. Percentage of new entrants who state they have a disability by type of disability
56.9% of new entrants with a disability are female
Overall, 53.1% of new entrants in 2021/22 are female (HEA Key Facts & Figures, 2022). Of those who state they have a disability, 56.9% are female. Figure 4 shows the percentage of new entrants by type of disability and gender. Compared to the average (56.9%), there is a much higher proportion of females amongst those with Psychological / Emotional Conditions (68.6%). Those with Learning Conditions were 53.9% male, whereas in all other categories women outnumbered men.
Figure 4. Percentage of new entrants by type of disability and gender
8.7% of new entrants with a disability are mature students
Overall, 6.6% of new entrants are mature students aged 24+ in 2021/22 (HEA Key Facts & Figures, 2022). Figure 5 shows the percentage of new entrants who state they have a disability by type of disability and age group. Compared to the average (8.7%), there is a higher proportion of mature students amongst those with Multiple Conditions (13.7%), and those with Physical Conditions (11.2%).
Figure 5. Percentage of new entrants by type of disability and age group
The following analyses relates to Irish-domiciled students only.
Wicklow has the highest rate of new entrants with a disability
Overall, 17.8% of new entrants in 2021/22 state they have a disability. Figure 6 shows the percentage of new entrants who state they have a disability by home county. Wicklow has the highest rate of new entrants with a disability. The lowest rates are in Cavan (12.1%), and Limerick (13.0%).
Figure 6. Percentage of new entrants who state they have a disability by county
A further breakdown by type of disability is presented in Figure 7 below.
Figure 7. Percentage of new entrants by type of disability and county
The following analyses relates to Irish-domiciled students in 2020/21 only.
10.2% of new entrants with a disability come from disadvantaged areas
Of all new entrants in 2020/21, 10% come from disadvantaged areas, 29% come from marginally below average areas, 42% come from marginally above average areas, and 20% come from affluent areas (HEA Socio-Economic Profiles 2020/21). Figure 8 shows the percentage of new entrants by socio-economic background.
Of the new entrants who state they have a disability, 10.2% come from disadvantaged areas (versus 10.3% of those who state they do not have a disability), while 21.4% come from affluent areas (versus 19.0% of those who state they do not have a disability).
Socio-economic differences exist between new entrants with different types of disability. Those with a Physical Condition are more likely to be disadvantaged, where 13.9% are coming from disadvantaged areas. Meanwhile, those with a Blind / Deaf Condition are less likely to be coming from disadvantaged areas, with 6.8% of these students coming from disadvantaged areas. Note that this relates to the new entrants who are in higher education only.