HEA Policy Forum on Student Progression in Higher Education

The HEA has convened a Policy Forum on Student Progression in Higher Education comprising representatives (Associates) from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the HEA to develop a national evidence base on student progression that is informed by the policies and practices of HEIs. It is envisaged that the evidence base will inform the development and sharing of good practice, policy development, and next steps.
The Policy Forum chaired by Dr Áine Ní Shé, MTU, will meet on four occasions in 2025, with the first meeting taking place in-person on 23 January 2025. An update on the first meeting of the Policy Forum will be available following the meeting.
Associates participating on the Policy Forum on behalf of HEIs will:
- Advise, inform, and provide guidance to the HEA on the scope and nature of the activities of the Policy Forum, and on proposed methodologies for engaging with the Sector on the development of a national evidence base.
- Review and provide feedback on draft reports, proposals, and surveys.
- Share information, knowledge, insights, and expertise (including data and trends) on student progression and on the practices of institutions.
- Support the collation of institutional data and practices (initiatives, interventions, etc.) that promote progression and measures adopted to address non-progression.
- Share and disseminate the work of the Policy Forum across the institution to develop awareness and promote good practice.
Additional Information
A Report on the HEA Conference on Student Progression held on 29 February 2024 can be accessed from: Exploring Student Progression in Higher Education, Conference Report, HEA 2024.
HEA Conference: Exploring Student Progression in Higher Education, 29 February 2024. Conference Agenda and Presentations.
HEA Non-Progression and Completion in Higher Education Dashboard.
National Forum on the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education – teachingandlearning.ie
Further information on the Policy Forum can be sought from Policy and Strategic Planning – email: policy@hea.ie