Healthy Campus aligns with national policies and sustainable development goals to create a campus ethos of care, compassion and inclusion on Irish Higher Education Institutions.
Key Local and National Policies
Health and wellbeing are affected by all aspects of a person’s life; economic status, education, housing, the physical environment in which people live and work.
Higher Education Campuses are a priority focus area in the Healthy Ireland Strategic Action Plan 2021-25.
Several national policies and strategies have been developed to support the Healthy Ireland vision in the keys areas of physical activity, obesity, tobacco, sexual health, mental health, drugs and alcohol. Healthy Campus is a framework through which Higher Education Institutions can address locally identified needs and national health priorities using a whole campus approach.

Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3 or Global Goal 3), regarding “Good Health and Well-being”, is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015.
“To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”
The targets of SDG 3 cover and focus on various aspects of healthy life and healthy lifestyle. Progress towards the targets is measured using twenty-one indicators.