Graduate Outcomes & Disability – Employment Details

This chapter considers those graduates in employment nine months after graduation, and looks at the location of employment, economic sector of employment, graduate occupations, and the types of contracts graduates secure.  This is broken down into graduates with and without a disability.

Location of Employment

Over 9 out of 10 employed graduates with a disability and no disability were located in Ireland.


The chart below outlines occupation types across graduates with and without a disability.

  • Professional occupations employed the highest proportion of graduates with and without a disability. 47% of graduates with a disability were employed in Professional occupations, compared with 56% of graduates without a disability.  Between 41% and 53% of graduates with different types of disability were employed in Professional occupations.
  • Associate Professional and Technical occupations were the second largest occupational grouping for all graduate groups (15%).
  • For graduates with disability, 11% entered Sales and Customer Service occupations.  For graduates without a disability, that figure is 9%.

Sector of Employment

The chart below shows the economic sectors of employment that graduates entered.

  • The most common sector of employment for graduates with a disability and without was Human Health and Social Work Activities (16%).
  • The sector with the largest difference between those with and without a disability was Financial, Insurance and Real Estate activities.  A total of 12% of graduates with a disability were employed in this sector, compared to 16% of graduates with no disability.

Contract Type

The chart below shows the contract types (permanent, fixed term, temporary) that graduates secured.

  • Across all graduates, permanent contracts were the most common form of contract type.
  • A total of 56% of graduates with a disability had a permanent contract vs 55% of those with no disability.
  • Graduates with a blind/deaf condition were least likely to have a permanent contract, and more likely than other groups to have a fixed term contract.  However, the sample size is relatively low and this should be borne in mind when considering this result.

Relevance of course to their job

  • 55% of graduates with a disability said that their course was either very relevant or relevant to their job; and this compares with 60% of graduates with no disability.
  • This figure of 55% for those with a disability ranged from between 48% for graduates with a psychological/emotional condition and 63% for graduates with another condition.

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