U-Multirank Dashboard

U-multirank compares the performance of different HEIs on a range of indicators within 5 key areas:

  1. Teaching and Learning
  2. Research
  3. Knowledge Transfer
  4. International Orientation
  5. Regional Engagement

U-multirank acknowledges that different users have different needs and preferences. Thus, students and stakeholders can browse HEIs according to the indicators that are most important to them.

  • U-Multirank Methodology

    Note that U-multirank data is self-reported data. More information on this is available here. Upon selection of a specific HEI or indicator, no visual will appear if there is no underlying data for the particular HEI and the particular indicator selected.

    U-multirank ranks institutions into 5 different performance groups (A, B, C, D, E) for each of the indicators. No composite, combined scores are provided. To find out more on U-Multirank scoring, see here.

    For the purposes of the visual below, letter grades were converted into numbers.

  • How are converted grades calculated?

    U-Multirank provides letter grades (A, B, C, D, E). In order to generate the below graphs, these letter grades were assigned numbers. The higher the score, the better. An average score for All Institutes is provided.

    • A = 5.0
    • B = 4.0
    • C = 3.0
    • D = 2.0
    • E = 1.0

    In interpreting findings, examine the results in terms of letter grade scores. Hover over the bar chart to find a tooltip box appear. This will include the U-multirank scores (letter grade scores). Note that no letter grade scores are provided for “All Institutes”.