The Skills and Engagement Unit facilitates skills development by managing a number of national initiatives, which includes the national Apprenticeship scheme and Springboard+. These initiatives contribute to national targets on skills development and require ongoing engagement with the education sector, industry and community and civic organisations.


The Springboard+ initiative in higher education offers free courses at certificate, degree and masters level leading to qualifications in areas where there are employment opportunities.

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Apprenticeship is a programme of structured education and training which formally combines and alternates learning in the work place with learning in an education or training centre.

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Human Capital Initiative

The Human Capital Initiative (HCI) will deliver an investment targeted towards increasing capacity in higher education in skills focused programmes designed to meet priority skills needs.

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Skills and Engagement News

ICT Skills

The HEA administer and provide funding for a number of initiatives arising from the ICT Skills Action Plan.

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The National Student Engagement Programme is a collaborative initiative under development by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), the Higher Education Authority (HEA), and Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI).

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Skills and Engagement Publications


Summer camps for teenagers are being funded in entrepreneurship, creativity, design skills and innovation to allow participants develop creative confidence, entrepreneurial thinking and leadership skills.

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  • Dr. Vivienne Patterson:
    Head of Skills, Engagement and Statistics
  • Fiona Davis: Senior Manager
  • Louise Sherry: Senior Manager
  • Sorcha Carthy: Senior Manager
  • Fergal Noone: Senior Executive Officer
  • Kieran McNally: Senior Executive Officer
  • Maria Cross: Executive Officer
  • Carol Kellegher: Executive Officer



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