National Consultation on the National Student Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Framework

To submit your feedback, please click here

The Higher Education Authority is currently undertaking a review of the HEA National Student Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Framework. In the four years since the publication of the framework, great strides have been made across the sector in the advancement of this important agenda, and it is now timely to review and revise the framework. The HEA Student and Staff Health and Wellbeing Advisory Group is advising the HEA during the review process, which will also involve consultation with the sector.  

The national framework, published in 2020, aimed to address the issues of student mental health and suicide prevention in a structured and planned way. The framework was developed as part of the Higher Education Authority’s commitment to play its part within the wider context of the Department of Health’s Connecting for Life – Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide 2015-2020.  


Written Submissions 

Stakeholders may make online written submissions on behalf of a Higher Education Institution, a group/organisation, or as an individual and will remain open until Friday 14th February 2025.  

Stakeholders are encouraged to participate in this consultation and share their perspectives to help shape the future of mental health and wellbeing in higher education.  


The consultation is open until 14th February 2025.  


To submit your feedback, please click here