HEA Announces Four Recipients of SATLE Impact Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Maura O'Shea

By Maura O'Shea

Posted: 20 December, 2024

image of a star and SATLE impact award text. Image of HEA logo and Teaching and learning logo


The Higher Education Authority (HEA) today announced the recipients of the SATLE (Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding in Higher Education) Impact Award. These awards celebrate excellence and impact in key areas of teaching and learning enhancement, including digital transformation, academic integrity, and education for sustainable development.

The recipients of the 2024 SATLE Impact Awards are:

Institution Lead Applicant Project Category
University College Cork Loretta Goff Academic Integrity and Digital Future Academic Integrity
Munster Technological University Shane Cronin Reusable Learning Resources (RLR) Digital Transformation
South East Technological University Hazel Farrell Sustainability in Art Festival Education for Sustainable Development
University of Galway Shivaun Quinlivan Inclusive Learning at NUI Galway Interdisciplinary


Each awardee will receive a €25,000 prize to further develop their project or explore a new research avenue.

Professor Marie Clarke, Chair of the HEA Student Engagement, Teaching and Learning Committee, stated: “The SATLE Impact Awards highlight institutional and sectoral efforts to promote, learn from, and extend the reach of excellent practices in teaching and learning across Irish higher education. The awardees have demonstrated remarkable educational innovation, leadership, and dedication in areas of central importance to teaching and learning in higher education.”

Alison Cook-Sather, Mary Katharine Woodworth Professor of Education and external reviewer for the awards, added: “Coming from outside the Irish education system, I was impressed by the breadth of the applications across higher education institutions. Of particular note was the innovative nature of the projects and the clear commitment to involving students as co-creators in the teaching and learning development process.”

SATLE, administered by the Higher Education Authority, has played a key role in enhancing teaching and learning in higher education, with three significant funding allocations made to the higher education sector since 2022 — €7.7 million in 2022, €6.1 million in 2023, and €5 million in 2024. The SATLE Impact Awards aim to build on this progress by celebrating and recognising excellence and impact of SATLE projects at a national level.


More: SATLE, Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding in Higher Education, Teaching and learning