HEA National Forum Welcomes Four New Policy Advisors to Drive Key Initiatives in Higher Education

Maura O'Shea

By Maura O'Shea

Posted: 9 September, 2024

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The Higher Education Authority’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education has announced the appointment of four new Teaching and Learning Policy Advisors.

These secondments, lasting 18 months, will focus on advancing key areas of policy development that are central to enhancing teaching and learning practices across higher education institutions.

The four new appointees are:

  • Dr Mark Kelly, seconded from Atlantic Technological University, will serve as Policy Advisor for Education for Sustainable Development. He will help shape the national approach to embedding sustainability within teaching and learning.
  • Dr Sharon McGreevy, seconded from Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IADT), will focus on Professional Development, Recognition, and the Impact of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Her role will support the continued development of teaching excellence and its recognition across the sector.
  • Dr James O’Sullivan, seconded from University College Cork, will lead efforts in the area of Artificial Intelligence in education. His work will explore how AI can be leveraged to innovate and enhance teaching and learning practices.
  • Rebecca Roper, also seconded from IADT, will focus on Student Success. Her role will focus on reviewing the Embedding Student Success Framework and initiatives to improve student engagement, retention, and overall success in higher education.

Dr Alan Wall, CEO of the Higher Education Authority, welcomed the new secondments:

“Mark, Sharon, James, and Rebecca bring a wealth of experience and expertise that will drive forward critical initiatives in teaching and learning. Their expertise and commitment will greatly contribute to shaping key areas of development across our higher education system from AI integration to sustainability, professional recognition and student success. We look forward to the valuable and lasting impact their work will have across the sector.”

Mr Tim Conlon, Head of Policy and Strategic Planning, added:

“These appointments will provide valuable expertise and thought leadership to the HEA National Forum for Teaching and Learning in each of their respective domains. As we renew our strategy for the enhancement of teaching and learning in the coming months, their insights will be invaluable in helping us achieve our strategic objectives, including advancing the Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement (SATLE) and ensuring continued progress on national themes. We look forward to the positive impact they will undoubtedly make.”

The new policy advisors will engage closely with the higher education institutions and national bodies over the next eighteen months, consulting with key stakeholders across the sector, and supporting alignment with institutional and national objectives.

More: CEO of the HEA, Dr. Alan Wall, HEA National Forum Welcomes Four New Policy Advisors to Drive Key Initiatives in Higher Education, Head of Policy and Strategic Planning, Higher Education, Mr Tim Conlon