Making An Impact 2019 – Open for Entries

By Maura O'Shea
Posted: 23 September, 2019
Does Your Research Make An Impact? Would You Like to Win €2,500 by Proving it Does?
Higher Education Authority competition for communicating research.
Making An Impact 2019
The Final, The Lighthouse Cinema, Dublin, Wednesday 4th December, 2019.
What is it?
Five researchers, who in the opinion of an independent adjudication panel, have the most innovative or challenging ideas will be invited to present how their research is making an impact at a public event at The Lighthouse Cinema in Dublin between 1.30pm and 3.30pm on 4th December. They will have a maximum of ten minutes each to make the presentation, followed by a brief question and answer session with an expert panel.
Two awards of €2,500 sponsored by the HEA, will be awarded to two individual winners, one of whom will be picked by the panel and the other by an audience of second level students.
To Whom is it Open
Any currently registered postgraduate research student (full time or part time) in any discipline at any Irish higher education institution. One student may enter on behalf of a research group but only that student can present if selected for the finals. Employees of the Higher Education Authority are excluded from entry.
Objective of the competition
The objective of this competition is the effective communication of research to a lay audience. The researchers will explain why what you are doing matters to Irish society or in a global context. How would you outline the impact of what you are researching to somebody who knows little or nothing about your topic? It is not about presenting an academic summary of your work; it is about grabbing a reader or viewer’s attention. Imagine you were writing a newspaper or magazine article or explaining your work in a piece on television or radio.
This is the eleventh year of the competition.
How to Enter
Written submissions of no longer than 800 words or audio or visual submissions lasting no longer than eight minutes should be sent to impact@hea.ie before 5pm on Monday 21st October. Attached to the submission should be the entrant’s name, your programme of research, your institution and a contact telephone number.
Selection of Finalists
The five finalists will be selected by an independent panel on the basis of which entries most clearly communicate to a lay audience why the research makes an impact. The five will be notified by Monday 19th November at the latest. All finalists must be available on Wednesday 4th December to attend the final.
Questions about the competition should be addressed to impact@hea.ie with the word Query in the subject bar. The decision of the HEA is final in the running of this competition.