10 March, 2025
HEA – SFI Memorandum of Understanding 2018-2021

By Maura O'Shea
Posted: 18 December, 2018

HEA and SFI Formalise Commitment to Collaboration
The Higher Education Authority (HEA) and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) have formalised their commitment to working closely together in the best interests of the Irish higher education research system through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding 2018-2021.
The agreement will see the organisations work with each other in three main areas:
- Cooperation on policy development and complementarity in programmatic activity;
- Assurance on institutional regulation and accountability;
- Enhanced sharing of information and communications.
As well as taking full cognisance of the respective responsibilities of the HEA and SFI as set out in legislation, this agreement has been developed within the context of key Government policies, including:
– The National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030
– Innovation 2020;
– The Action Plan for Education
– The Action Plan for Jobs
– Higher Education System Performance Framework 2018-2020.
Both organisations are fully committed to the advancement of the Irish higher education research system such that it can maximise its contribution to Government policy objectives and to Ireland’s role and reputation in the international research arena.
This MoU will serve as a framework to channel the efforts of both organisations to collaborate meaningfully. Immediate agenda items of shared strategic interest include: Open Research; Research Integrity and Assurance; Gender Equality; Doctoral Education.