QQI and HEA Renew Commitment to Collaboration

By Maura O'Shea
Posted: 30 August, 2018

QQI and HEA Renew Commitment to Collaboration
Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and the Higher Education Authority (HEA) have re-affirmed their commitment to working closely together in the best interests of the Irish Higher Education system through the signing of a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 2018-2020.
The agreement will see the two organisations collaborate in four key areas:
• Coherence of approach;
• Alignment of activities;
• Ireland in an international context;
• Partnerships for enhancement.
These commitments will see actions in relation to access, transfer and progression; a data strategy for higher education; a statutory database of programmes and awards; enhancement of the Ireland’s educational reputation on the international stage; collaboration with other HE partners and stakeholders; enhancement of the quality of teaching, learning and student experience; and supporting the quality and integrity of Irish research.
Both the HEA and QQI are committed to supporting the enhancement of the performance and quality of Irish higher education, while upholding the principles of academic freedom and institutional autonomy; and both are committed to the achievement of key objectives identified in the Higher Education System Performance Framework 2018-2020.
This MoU will act as a framework to channel renews efforts of both organisations in actively pursuing ways to collaborate meaningfully. Cooperation between the two organisations will support the collective advancement of the reform agenda for higher education in partnership with the sector.