HEA welcomes the awarding of 1916 Bursaries to students from target groups
Access Policy
Posted: 17 April, 2018

Dr Graham Love, CEO of the HEA, is delighted to attend a ceremony this afternoon for the awarding of 1916 Bursaries to 40 students from the Leinster Pillar I cluster institutions: Institute of Art, Design, and Technology; National College of Art and Design; University College Dublin; Trinity College Dublin; and Marino Institute of Education. The 1916 Bursary Fund forms part of the PATH funding initiative, aimed at supporting access to higher education by students from the most under-represented groups in higher education. The bursary fund provides financial support of €5,000 per year to each awardee, in addition to a suite of post-entry academic and personal supports.
The PATH 2 1916 Bursary Funding reinforces the commitment of the Government to the equality of opportunity envisaged by the 1916 signatories. Today’s ceremony appropriately takes place in the Witness History Museum at the GPO, outside which the 1916 Proclamation was read by Patrick Pearse.
Speaking at the event alongside Minister of State for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O’Connor, Dr Love stated, “I am immensely proud at the awarding of the 1916 Bursaries, and their significant contribution to enabling the equity of access to higher education that is the hallmark of the National Access Plan… The three strands of PATH funding are a game-changer for access and are crucial to the realisation of our national ambitions surrounding better educational experiences and outcomes for all of our students.”
More information on the PATH 2 1916 Bursary Fund is available at: https://hea.ie/funding-governance-performance/funding/student-finance/1916-bursary-fund/