Key Acts Impacting the HEA

Which acts impact the HEA?

Relevant legislation assigning function to the HEA includes the:

How do these acts impact the HEA?

Under these Acts, the HEA’s main functions are:

  • To allocate the moneys provided by the Oireachtas to publicly funded institutions
  • To assist in the co-ordination of State investment in higher education and the preparation of proposals for such investment
  • To further the development of higher education
  • To promote the attainment of equality of opportunity in higher education
  • To promote the democratisation of structure in higher education
  • To conduct reviews of the strategic plans, equality policies and the quality assurance procedures of the universities, and to publish the reports of such reviews (Irish Universities Act, 1997)
  • To promote the attainment and maintenance of excellence in learning, teaching and research in higher education (Institutes of Technology Act, 2006)