9. Appendix
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9.1 Class of 2018 Overview
The dashboard below has 3 tabs:
- All Graduates: Provides a breakdown of data for all graduates (except for Level 6 & 7 graduates, as this cohort uses unweighted data).
- Level 6 & 7 Graduates: Provides a breakdown of data for Level 6 & 7 graduates only. Note that data in this section is unweighted.
- Response Rates: Provides a breakdown of graduate population data (total number of graduates) by various dimensions (such as gender, field of study, etc.) and response rates by institute.
9.2 Salaries
For an in-depth analysis on salaries:
- Class of 2018 Predicted Graduate Salaries: This provides an in-depth look into predicted earnings by institute type, gender, NFQ level, socio-economic group, field of study, and region of employment. Further breakdowns are available by graduate age ("Younger graduates" relate to graduates <30).
- Class of 2018 Younger Graduate Salaries by Socio-Economic Background and Leaving Certificate Points: This analysis includes "Younger graduates" only (<30). This provides weighted mean salaries per Leaving Certificate Points band (e.g. 405 to <455) and the associated socio-economic background breakdown of graduates per Leaving Certificate Points band.
9.3 Regional Mobility
For an in-depth analysis on regional mobility:
- Regional Mobility of 2018 Graduates: This looks at where graduates live (home region), where graduates study (institute region), and where graduates work (employment region). Moreover, exploring how graduates move and transition between these different regions for these different purposes.
- Class of 2018 Graduates - Regional Mobility Sankey Chart: The data provided is the same as above, yet is visualised using a Sankey chart (to highlight the transition between one region to another).
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