9. Appendix

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9.1 Class of 2017 Overview

The dashboard below has 3 tabs:

  1. All Graduates: Provides a breakdown of data for all graduates (except for Level 6 & 7 graduates, as this cohort uses unweighted data).
  2. Level 6 & 7 Graduates: Provides a breakdown of data for Level 6 & 7 graduates only. Note that data in this section is unweighted.
  3. Response Rates: Provides a breakdown of graduate population data (total number of graduates) by various dimensions (such as gender, field of study, etc.) and response rates by institute.


9.2 Salaries

The dashboard here provides a breakdown of salaries for the Class of 2017 (by region of employment, sector, NFQ level, field of study and gender). This can be further broken down by NACE sector, employment type (e.g. employee, self-employed), contract type (e.g. permanent), occupation group (e.g. Professional Occupations), grade obtained (e.g. 1st), and age group.

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