HCI Micro-credentials

Micro-credential courses are small, accredited courses designed to meet the demands of learners, enterprise and society. Micro-credential courses award between 1 and 30 ECTS and provide awards at Levels 6-9 on National Framework of Qualifications.

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HCI Micro credentials in association with:
Government of Ireland
Human Capital Initiative

The Human Capital Initiative has enabled Ireland to be one of the first European countries to establish a coherent national framework for quality assured and accredited micro-credentials. Institutions are collaborating to develop the building blocks required for a transformation in learning through micro-credentials.

The Micro-Credential Course Learner Fee Subsidy offers a subsidy rate of up to 80% for courses addressing skills in key priority areas, including renewable energy, sustainability, construction and planning, artificial intelligence, cyber security, ICT, and electronic engineering. Other courses will provide a 50% learner subsidy rate. All queries relating to courses should be directed to course providers.

Eligibility criteria can be downloaded here:

Micro-Credentials Learner Subsidy Eligibility Criteria