Project Name
AMASE: Additive Manufacturing Advancing the South East
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Project Team
- David Alarco, Program Lead

- Shubha Narasimharaju, Lecturer

- Nataliya Romanyatova, Instructional Designer

Provide a short description of the project

The South East Technological University (SETU) is leading the charge in Additive Manufacturing with the launch of its one-year degree programme. The university aims to create a new breed of specialists to foster innovation across sectors such as Aerospace, Med-Tech, Bio-Pharma, Agri-Tech, and Precision Engineering. To provide learners with an opportunity to gain experience in a wide range of processing technologies, 3D printing platforms, and materials, SETU has invested in a suite of Industrial Metal and Polymer 3D printers worth over €3 million. The programme builds on the expertise and equipment of the SEAM research centre, 3DWIT, and Design+ gateways in Waterford and Carlow. The part-time Level 7 Bachelor of Science in Additive Manufacturing is delivered in a blended mode over two 12-week semesters. Learners have the opportunity to acquire the exact knowledge and skills to be a proficient workforce. The course is aimed primarily at upskilling people in the manufacturing industry in the South East.

Additive Manufacturing represents a fascinating ecosystem with huge opportunities for society, the environment, and industry. It is far more innovative and enables companies to manufacture locally, saving on transport, packaging, and distribution costs. With the course, students have a unique opportunity to put theory into practice, utilizing the labs and equipment in Waterford and Carlow campuses.
The AMASE team has also developed shorter 10-credit awards to be rolled out in 2023, which includes certificates in introduction to additive manufacturing, design, health and safety, and regulatory affairs, as well as lab technologies and post-processing. The new programme helps to position the South East as a centre of excellence for additive manufacturing and supports regional upskilling to create the specialists that companies need.

Highlight interesting collaborations / partnerships
The AMASE project has established positive and active relationships with various collaborative partners, including SEAM, Design+ Technological Gateways, 3DWIT, Springboard, Engcore, Regional Skills (South East), the Convergent Technologies Research Group, the Innovation South-East Cluster, the Instructional Designer team-CTEL, and Graduate Studies team SETU. The project has engaged with these partners to drive the project forward and to ensure its success. The academic and other partners involved in the project span a range of disciplines, including materials science, engineering, industry insights, economic trends, environmental impact, and educational technology. The geographic spread of these partners extends both nationally and internationally, with organizations based in Ireland as well as international partners. The engagement with these partners has been productive, with all partners contributing to the project in their own unique way. The success of the project can be seen in the positive outcomes achieved through the engagement with these partners, including the development of new programs and initiatives aimed at improving the equity of access for learners and lifelong learners.

Provide a brief summary of the project’s key enterprise engagements to date
The AMASE project has achieved remarkable success through its engagement with various collaborative partners. These partners have provided subject matter expert (SME) support for the design and delivery of expert lectures and workshops, and also established research opportunities collaborating with international universities. Their contributions have been critical to the project’s success, bringing together expertise across disciplines such as materials science, engineering, industry insights, economic trends, environmental impact, and educational technology. SME support for the design and delivery of expert lectures has been a particular area of contribution from partners such as Stryker, Boston Scientific, 3DWIT, D-Shape, Addvance3D, Reeves insight, Desktop Metal, European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF), General Electric Additive, Inspire 3D, and ANSYS.
These organizations have brought their expertise to bear in helping to develop new content and initiatives. The engagement with these partners has also helped to create research opportunities and collaborations with international universities. Partners such as UCV (Catholic University Valencia) – EUCONNEXUS have been instrumental in this regard, working alongside the AMASE project to drive innovation and to help position the South East region as a center of excellence for additive manufacturing. Thanks to the contributions of these partners, the AMASE project has been able to achieve remarkable success, delivering new opportunities for learners and helping to transform the South East into one of Ireland’s leading advanced manufacturing regions.

Project Showcase
WLR Interview Podcast:
Media book of coverage of AMASE is available to download below.
Last updated: Monday 24 April 2023