The HEA is the statutory policy-advisory body for higher education in Ireland, providing high-quality, evidence-based policy-advice to the Government across all aspects of the mission of higher education.

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Exploring Student Progression in Higher Education

Future Planning

Ensuring that higher education institutions are equipped to meet future challenges is a key role of the HEA as statutory planning body for the higher education sector.

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Teaching and Learning

Providing teaching and facilitating learning are core roles of higher education institutions, and enhancing student-learning is a national priority.

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The HEA commissions research and develops policy on the internationalisation of higher education.

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Gender Equality

Advancing gender equality in Irish higher education is a key system-level objective and national priority. With a statutory responsibility to promote the attainment of equality of opportunity in Irish higher education, the HEA established the Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality in 2019.

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The HEA has responsibility for supporting quality outcomes across all activities of the higher education institutions.

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