Under TU RISE, €83.68m will be made available to higher education institutions in the technological sector to support research capacity building with a focus on enhancing engagement with regional enterprises.

The Higher Education Authority announced a call for applications under the TU Research and Innovation Supporting Enterprise (TU RISE) scheme on 6th July 2023. Under TU RISE, €83.68m will be made available to higher education institutions in the technological sector to support research capacity building with a focus on enhancing engagement with regional enterprises. TU RISE is co-financed by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27 and the Northern & Western Regional Programme 2021-27.
Scope and objectives of TU RISE
TU RISE will enhance central research functions within the technological university sector to further institutions’ engagements with their regions. The scheme has two key outcomes:
Establishment and/or development of central research functions in institutions to support research capacity building and further engagement with regions.
Enhancement of institutional research capacity through increasing researcher human capital in research areas that have potential to facilitate stronger engagement with regional enterprises aligned to Ireland’s Smart Specialisation Strategy and the Regional Enterprise Plans.
TU RISE funding and eligibility
TU RISE will make €83.68m in funding available over four years (2023-2027) via two regional programmes. Funding of €63.68m is available under the Southern, Eastern and Midland Regional Programme, and funding of €20m is available under the Northern and Western Regional Programme. Institutional eligibility to apply for these programmes is detailed below:
Southern, Eastern and Midland Regional Programme (€63.68M):
Munster Technological University (Southern Region)
Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (Eastern and Midland Region, Southern Region)
South East Technological University (Southern Region)
Technological University Dublin (Eastern and Midland Region)
Dundalk Institute of Technology (Eastern and Midland Region)
Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology (Eastern and Midland Region)
Northern and Western Regional Programme (€20M):
Atlantic Technological University
TU RISE call documentation:
The objectives of the scheme, the Performance Indicators, application and assessment process, and grant funding principles are outlined in the TU RISE call document.
TU RISE application:
Applications for funding under TU RISE were made using the TU RISE application template. Applicants were required to address project relevance, design, efficiency and effectiveness, as well as project governance and financial oversight. A project budget setting out the proposed funding required was also necessary.
Frequently Asked Questions:
All queries will be addressed through an FAQ process. Queries may be submitted to systemperformance@hea.ie. FAQs will be made available through this webpage.