Impact Assessment Case Study Process
HEIs’ annual reporting requirements under the System Performance Framework 2023–2028 includes the submission of an Impact Assessment Case Study (IACS). Impact Assessment Case Studies (IACS) are linked to a positive funding mechanism that supports and recognises excellent performance within the higher education and research system. Performance Funding was introduced under the previous System Performance Framework 2018–2020. In 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 €5 million in Performance Funding was awarded to HEIs. Further information on these exemplary initiatives can be found on the ‘Institutional Stories of Impact’ section of the HEA website.
Under the System Performance Framework 2023–2028, a revised IACS process continues to provide institutions with an opportunity to demonstrate their significant contributions towards the achievement of national strategy by describing the design, delivery, and outcomes of an exemplary initiative and providing an assessment of its impact.
The purpose of IACS is to:
- Demonstrate the impact of the higher education and research system on society, the environment, and the economy at local, national, and international levels.
- Showcase exemplary HEI initiatives that have contributed to the achievement of national strategy.
- Enhance dissemination of good practice and learning across the system.
- Gather evidence to inform public policymaking and to identify areas for potential further development and investment in the system.
- Inform the allocation of annual performance funding.
Impact Assessment Case Study Information Pack:
Information on the submission and evaluation process, including eligibility and conditions, evaluation criteria, and guidance on case study preparation are outlined in the IACS Information Pack.
IACS submission deadline 2025:
Case studies from eligible HEIs should be submitted to using the editable template provided by the HEA. An outline of this template is presented in the Information Pack for reference. The deadline for submission is 17:00 on 27 March 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Queries relating to the IACS process will be addressed through an FAQ process. Queries may be submitted to FAQs will be made available through this webpage.