Performance Agreements 2024-2028
Designated institutions of higher education set out their contribution to the achievement of institutional and national strategy in performance agreements with the HEA. Performance agreements have been developed through engagement and dialogue between HEIs and the HEA. The publication of these performance agreements is intended to promote the transparency of the System Performance Framework process and ensure accountability across the system.
Performance agreements will take effect from September 2024 and span four academic years. Designated institutions will report annually against their performance agreements in the form of self-evaluation reports, and these will be reviewed and discussed in a process of strategy and performance dialogue between the HEA and institutions.
ATU Performance Agreement 2024–2028
DCU Performance Agreement 2024-2028
DKIT Performance Agreement 2024-2028
IADT Performance Agreement 2024-2028
MIC Performance Agreement 2024-2028
MTU Performance Agreement 2024-2028
MU Performance Agreement 2024–2028
NCAD Performance Agreement 2024-2028
SETU Performance Agreement 2024-2028
TCD Performance Agreement 2024–2028
TU Dublin Performance Agreement 2024-2028
TUS Performance Agreement 2024-2028
UCC Performance Agreement 2024-2028
UCD Performance Agreement 2024-2028