Increasing Trinity College Dublin’s international student community and diversity through key partnerships
Fostering a diverse, globally connected student community is rooted in Trinity’s core values of inclusivity and collaboration. The past three to five years have seen the development of a significant number of global partnerships which have increased the recruitment of international students to Trinity. In 2018/19, our student body continued to grow in terms of diversity – students from 120 countries were registered with 28% coming from outside Ireland and 18% from outside Europe. The contribution from key partnerships has been a significant factor in driving this diversity.
Examples of these partnerships which impacted this diversity include the International Foundation Programme (IFP) delivered in Marino Institute of Education, the agreement with Columbia University for a Dual BA Degree Programme, and the agreement with Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) for the delivery of a joint degree in Physiotherapy. Diversity has also increased with participation in the Consortium of Advanced Studies Abroad (CASA).

Trinity International Foundation Programme (IFP)
Established in 2016, this is a unique year-long, pre-university programme focused on the English language and disciplinary depth, and draws on the internationally recognised excellence of the TAP programme. It functions as a preparatory year for students coming from countries where the final secondary school examination does not lead to direct entry to Trinity. This programme attracts students from over 14 countries, including Palestine, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Japan, Korea and Malaysia, and enrolls 60 – 80 annually. Students who successfully complete the programme and achieve the required grades are guaranteed entry into their chosen degree stream the following year.

Partnership with Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)
In 2012, Trinity began offering degree programmes in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy in Singapore with recognition for prior learning. This was as a result of a competitive process where SIT engaged with four universities (UK and Australia as well as Trinity) to consider the delivery of one-year programmes recognising three-year professional diplomas. Following the success of these programmes, further programmes in Radiation Therapy and Diagnostic Radiography commenced in 2014. Over 500 students have completed the programmes and are making significant contributions through the development and evaluation of pioneering services in all aspects of the health services in Singapore. In 2016, after receiving degree-awarding status, SIT launched a joint degree in Physiotherapy with Trinity. This is now in its fourth intake.
Dual BA Programme with Columbia University (Columbia)
The agreement with Columbia University for a Dual BA Degree Programme, signed in February 2018, was heralded as a gamechanger, and the first of its kind In Ireland offering students a unique undergraduate educational experience in a programme spanning two continents. There are now 74 students enrolled on this programme, spending the first two years in Trinity and the final two years in Columbia University in New York. The composition is mixed, combining Irish, EU and non-EU students. Students are admitted to one of four Trinity courses: English Studies; European Studies; History; and Middle Eastern and European Languages and Cultures. Building on the success of this initiative, three new programmes were approved in 2018/19 for intake in 2020.

Consortium of Study Abroad (CASA)
In 2016, Trinity became the first university outside the US to become a member of this prestigious consortium established to provide a framework to facilitate student mobility. This is a non-profit academic consortium of twelve leading comprehensive research universities formed for the purpose of organising and delivering rigorous education abroad programmes in collaboration with leading world universities. CASA member institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Georgetown University, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Northwestern University, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Melbourne, the University of Pennsylvania and Vanderbilt University. The CASA-Trinity Programme commenced in 2018 with 18 students and has grown significantly with 62 students to date (in 3 semesters) with an additional 32 to join in Spring 2020.