Higher education institutions must provide the HEA Student Data Collection notice to their students.

Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation requires information to be provided, or made readily available, to data subjects so that they are informed in a transparent manner as to the purposes for which their data is to be processed. In order to satisfy this principle, the HEA supply text for use by HEIs.
The student data collection notice can be supplied to students in any of the following areas:

  • Providing the text with the registration form and the HEI’s own data protection statement;
  • Including the text on a website with the HEI’s own data protection information;
  • Including the text in a student handbook or other reference source for students.

The collection notice is published each year for students commencing and resuming their studies in that calendar year. The data collected pursuant to that notice will then be shared with the HEA with the following years returns. In accordance with the principle of fair obtaining, the HEI should at all times ensure the correct and current Data Collection Notice is published and for the avoidance of doubt the notice below is relevant for the 2021/2022 academic year.

Full HEA Data Collection Notice