The HEA Welcomes the Launch of the ALTITUDE Charter
By Prateeti Chakravarty
Posted: 22 March, 2024
The Higher Education Authority (HEA) welcomes the launch of ALTITUDE – the National Charter for Universal Design in Tertiary Education, kickstarting a national conversation about how the sector can adopt the Charter and over time, work towards embedding a universal design approach.
The ALTITUDE Project is funded under PATH (Programme for Access to Higher Education) Strand 4 Phase 1 – Universal Design Fund which was aimed at supporting the embedding of Universal Design (UD) approaches and inclusive practices in HEIs which will benefit all students and in particular autistic students and enable the building of capacity in HEIs for greater participation by students with intellectual disabilities in higher education. PATH programme is managed by the HEA on behalf of the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) and consists of five strands. PATH Strand 4 is a key driver in delivering the Inclusivity goal of the National Access Plan.