HEA/NDPAC “Experiences of and Challenges Faced by Disabled Postgraduate Students” Report
By Vera Hughes
Posted: 18 December, 2023

On Thursday 14 December, the Access Policy section invited stakeholders to an in-person gathering to mark the official publication of the HEA/NDPAC “Experiences of and Challenges Faced by Disabled Postgraduate Students” report. This occasion served as an opportunity to engage informally with representatives from both HEA and National Disabled Postgraduate Advisory Committee and consider the outcome of the conference on the representation of disabled students at postgraduate level that took place on 23 February 2023.
The informal report launch event took place at the Herbert Park Hotel in Ballsbridge. Attendees comprised members from NDPAC, representatives from HEI access services, an official from DFHERIS, as well as HEA and IRC staff.
During the event, participants delved into issues raised in the report, discussed potential solutions to dismantle barriers faced by disabled postgraduate students, and shared personal stories highlighting the challenges in postgraduate education and further employment faced by disabled people. This event represents another significant step in progressing KPI 3 of the National Access Plan 2022-28, which specifically focuses on the proportion of students with a disability undertaking postgraduate study.
The report is available below.
Experiences of and Challenges Faced by Disabled Postgraduate Students Report