HEA Principles of Good Practice in Research 2022

By Maura O'Shea
Posted: 16 December, 2022

HEA Principles of Good Practice in Research 2022
The Higher Education Authority (HEA) has launched today (16 December 2022) the revised ‘HEA Principles of Good Practice in Research within Irish Higher Education Institutions’. The Principles were originally launched in February 2020 with the aim of promoting good practice in research conduct by:
- Bringing together the main elements of good practice in higher education research,
- Articulating high-level principles within each of these, and
- Signposting to more detailed policies where available.
The Principles, which are part of the HEA’s Annual Governance Statements, act as high-level research good practice guidelines. HEIs are responsible for ensuring researcher awareness of all policies identified in the document and for prioritising adherence to policies on an institution wide basis. The Principles feature prominently in ‘Impact 2030: Ireland’s Research and Innovation Strategy’ and are outlined as key to embedding good research practices in Ireland and enhancing research culture.
Treated as a living document, the Principles have been updated with minor changes and new additions to reflect new policies, international developments relating to good practice in research, to take account of changes in the research landscape since their first publication, and to incorporate suggestions agreed with stakeholders. New additions to the document include two new elements of good practice ‘Gender Equality and Inclusiveness’ and ‘Research and Sustainability’, bringing the total number of Principles to nine.
- Excellence in research and academic freedom;
- Research integrity and ethics;
- Open research;
- Intellectual property and knowledge transfer;
- Researcher development;
- Research project and programme management;
- Dignity and respect;
- Gender equality and inclusiveness;
- Research and sustainability.
In response to the launch of the updated Principles document, Dr Alan Wall, CEO of the Higher Education Authority said,
“These updated Principles reflect current best practice on a national, international and global basis. In providing higher education institutions with a touchstone against which their adherence to the policies and legal obligations can be assessed, the Principles underline institutional responsibilities to the creation of a positive research culture where research and researchers can thrive, students can learn and develop, and the impact of research outcomes produced in Ireland can be felt locally, nationally and globally.
The addition of ‘Gender Equality and Inclusiveness’ and ‘Research and Sustainability’ to the original seven Principles is a welcome inclusion which will serve to support and grow policies in these areas in higher education.”
These nine elements of good practice will guide HEIs to develop good research practices within their own research environments to help drive research excellence and further improve research outcomes with the view to enhancing the international reputation of the Irish Higher Education Research System.