System Performance Framework (2023-2027): Written Consultation Process Open

By Maura O'Shea
Posted: 10 November, 2022

The Higher Education Authority is currently developing the next System Performance Framework, which will come into effect in 2023 and run for four years. The HEA is inviting interested parties to make a written submission in response to the draft system performance framework consultation paper.
Written submissions should be emailed to by Friday 16 December 2022.
The new framework is being developed in the context of the HEA Act 2022, which sets out the role of the Framework, and associated Performance Agreements with institutions, in assessing and strengthening the performance and accountability of the higher education system. The creation of performance agreements with institutions, and the monitoring of same, will underpin this process by providing a robust evidence base to enable the HEA to understand institutional and system health and to manage system-level risks.
Performance Framework
This System Performance Framework will provide the parameters within which designated institutions of higher education can set out their contribution to the achievement of institutional and national strategy. The framework is founded on the following set of principles:
- Flexibility, ensuring institutions with a diverse set of missions can highlight their unique contribution to the system.
- Responsive, evolving to national priorities, institutional strategies, and progress towards individual objectives.
- Thematic, focusing on five high-level themes aligned to national objectives that facilitate individual responses aligned to scale, mission, location, and strategic plan.
- Strategic, providing a mechanism to assess institutional performance against strategic objectives and creating opportunities for reflection, learning, and recalibration of approach as needed.
- Evidence-based, identifying targets that are tailored, measurable, and impact focused to support institutional effectiveness and efficiency.
The framework and associated performance agreements will span four years (2023-2027), to support alignment with institutional strategies. Opportunities for alignment with institutional strategy are also embedded in the framework’s key themes: Teaching and Learning, Research and Innovation, International, Access and Participation, and Engagement.
Development process
The development of the draft framework has been a multi-phased, iterative process over the course of 2022. Phase 1 and 2 of the drafting process saw input collated from the HEA Executive, and HEA Board and Committees, including System Development and Performance Management, Policy and Strategic Planning, Research and Graduate Education, and Teaching and Learning. Valuable insights were also gathered via the final cycle of reporting under the current Strategy and Performance Dialogue process, where an outline of the draft framework was presented. Feedback gathered via the written consultation will inform further revisions to the framework.
Data protection and Freedom of information
Please note that submissions received will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2014. The HEA would like to draw your attention to its Data Protection Notice, which explains how and when the HEA collects personal data, why we do so, and how we treat this information. It also explains your rights in relation to the collection of personal information and how you can exercise those rights.