Springboard+ Course Call

By Maura O'Shea
Posted: 21 January, 2021

Higher Education Institutions across Ireland are being invited to submit course proposals for the 2021/2022 Springboard+ programme.
Springboard+ 2021 will provide an estimated 10,000 places across approximately 250 courses and will be offered to people wishing to reskill/upskill or return to education.
The courses will be varied across a range of different disciplines such as ICT, Pharma/Medtech, Management and Leadership and new and emerging technologies.
At the core of Springboard+ is the involvement of local, regional and national industry and enterprise. Their expertise in identifying future skills needed by the Irish economy form the core of the courses that will be offered under this scheme.
Higher education institutions are being asked to submit course proposals to Springboard+, at the following link with a closing date of March 11th 2021. http://skillsdirect.hea.ie
Springboard+ courses are targeted at groups such as those in receipt of a social welfare payment, those in employment, recent graduates, the self-employed and those who are returning to education after a gap of a number of years due to varying reasons.
HEA CEO Dr Alan Wall said the role of employer engagement is to the forefront of initiatives such as Springboard+ through direct links with higher education providers.
“This collaborative approach has ensured that the higher education sector is producing graduates that are future world and work ready,” he said.
Successful course proposals accepted by Springboard+ will be open for applications in May.
The Springboard+ upskilling initiative in higher education offers free and subsidised courses at certificate, degree and masters level, leading to qualifications in areas where there are employment opportunities in the economy.
Springboard+ is co-funded by the Government of Ireland.