Digital format 2018 HEA Annual Report

By Maura O'Shea
Posted: 22 October, 2019

The HEA Annual report can be viewed in its new digital report here or can be downloaded as a PDF here. Some of our key achievements during 2018 included;
- The establishment of Ireland’s first Technological University in Dublin following the enactment of TU legislation in March 2018.
- Publication of a mid-term review of implementation of the National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education. The HEA worked with the Department in implementing the three strands of the Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH) fund.
- Agreement between the HEA and SFI on a Memorandum of Understanding and between the HEA and QQI who agreed their second Memorandum of Understanding.
- The HEA oversaw implementation of the Springboard + 2018 Programme which provided over 8000 higher education places, an increase of 25% over 2017.
- Following consultation with key stakeholders, the HEA published in November a four-year Strategic Plan.