10 March, 2025

HEA announces €12 M in support of Higher Education Landscape reforms in 2018
By Anne Hession
Posted: 27 March, 2018
The National Strategy for Higher Education provides for substantial changes to the landscape of Irish higher education.
The HEA, with the support of the Department of Education and Skills, recognises that such reforms carry additional costs and has provided for a fund to support consortia engaged in implementing reforms of the higher education landscape, including those seeking designation as Technological Universities. The fund is not expected to be able to cover all costs arising, but to make a contribution to those costs.
The HEA is now inviting submissions for funding support in respect of the costs arising from landscape reform. The total funding available under this call will be c. € 12M (including c. € 10M funding from the Department of Education and Skills in support of Technological University development).
This call follows the allocation of similar landscape reform funding by the HEA in recent years.
HEA Landscape Call 2018 updated
Closing date: submissions should be received by the HEA in electronic format before 5pm, Thursday April 26th 2018 to sfitzgerald@hea.ie