HEA welcomes Minister’s announcement of €16.5m to third level access
Access Policy
Posted: 23 August, 2017
Call For Proposals – PATH Strands 2 and 3
The HEA issues a call for proposals to the higher education clusters in respect of a targeted funding scheme established by the Department of Education and Skills to support implementation of the National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education 2015-2019. The Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH) fund is a competitive fund, managed by the HEA on behalf of the Department of Education and Skills.
Each of the five regional clusters of higher education institutions (HEIs) are now invited to submit proposals under the following funding streams:
• PATH 2 – 1916 Bursary Fund
• PATH 3 – Higher Education Access Fund
For further information on the Programme to Access for Higher Education Strand 2 and 3 can be found in the Call document below.
Programme for Access to Higher Education - Call for Proposals
Press Release - Department of Education and Skills 23rd August 2017