Human Capital Initiative

Micro-credential courses are small, accredited courses designed to meet the demands of learners, enterprise and society.

The Micro-Credential Learner Fee Subsidy, pays up to 80% fees on over 650 courses

About HCI Micro-Credentials


We collect, analyse and disseminate student & graduate data returned to the HEA from all HEA-funded institutions annually.

Non-Progression Rates 2021/22 New Entrants

The overall non-progression rate for full-time undergraduate new entrants in 2021/22 was 15%. The highest rate of non-progression was among entrants to Level 7 programmes (31%), followed by a 25% non-progression rate for entrants to Level 6 courses. The lowest non-progression rate was for entrants to Level 8 courses, at 14%.

Mean Salary by Gender – Class of 2021

The mean salary for the Class of 2021 was €40,556 for males and €35,790 for females.

Socio-Economic Profile of Students 2020/21

One in ten students are disadvantaged, while 20% are affluent – double the number of disadvantaged students. Approximately 29% of students are marginally below average, and 42% are marginally above average.