Higher Education Procurement Summit 2018
By Diarmuid Slattery
Posted: 16 April, 2018
On 10 April 2018 the HEA and the Education Procurement Service (EPS) hosted the second Higher Education Procurement Summit at DIT’s Grangegorman campus.
Building on 2017’s successful summit held in Dublin Castle which saw the publication of the HEA Procurement Review, this year’s summit once again brought together key personnel from higher education institutions together with the HEA, EPS, Office of Government Procurement (OGP) and Department of Education and Skills to share good practice, discuss the issues to be addressed and agree on the future approach to improving procurement practice moving forward. The event also saw the launch of a Corporate Procurement Plan template that will help higher education institutions to better plan their procurement requirements and ensure better compliance with national procurement guidelines.
The summit was opened by Philip Gurnett, EPS Director and Head of Sourcing Education with opening remarks made by Graham Love, Chief Executive of the HEA. The summit was addressed by Deirdre McDonnell, Assistant Secretary General (Major Operations Division) of the Department of Education and Skills. Presentations on the Corporate Procurement Plan pack were made by Denise O’Malley, EPS Corporate Services Manager, and Mary Rose Cremin, Director, Audit & Assurance in Deloitte. The morning session also saw Rosemary Fogarty, Financial Controller in University of Limerick, deliver a presentation on how to complete a multi-annual procurement plan and Mags O’Callaghan, Head of Customer Service at OGP, discuss the value of good procurement planning. The afternoon session of the summit saw presentations from Ann Melia, Head of Procurement and Contracts at NUI Galway, on using a contract management system as a tool for compliance, Declan McCormack, eInvoicing Programme Manager at OGP, on the EU Directive requirement for eInvoicing and Denis Murphy, Director of Corporate Services at DIT, on DIT’s Grangegorman campus. Closing remarks were made by the HEA’s Interim Head of System Funding, Sheena Duffy.
Copies of the summit’s presentations as well the corporate procurement pack are available for download below.
Higher Education Procurement Summit Agenda
Corporate Procurement Plan Pack Contents, Denise O'Malley, EPS
Completing the Corporate Procurement Plan, Mary Rose Cremin, Deloitte
Completing the Multi Annual Procurement Plan (MAPP), HEI's Perspective, Rosemary Fogarty, UL
OGP’s perspective – value of good corporate procurement planning, Mags O'Callaghan, OGP
Contract Management System – a tool to compliance, Ann Melia, NUIG
EU Directive requirement for eInvoicing, Declan McCormack, OGP
DIT Grangegorman Campus Development - overview & challenges, Denis Murphy, DIT