Survey of Past, Current and Potential Mature Students
By Mari Tighe
Posted: 23 April, 2020

Indecon International Consultants have been appointed by the HEA to undertake research on the issues and challenges faced by first-time mature students in higher education, and to make recommendations for how mature students can be supported in the future.
As part of this, a learner survey is being carried out so that we can learn more about your experience in accessing Higher Education as a mature student. This may have been a course you completed, one that you are currently doing, or one that you are considering doing. The survey is aimed at finding ways to improve access to, and participation in, higher education by mature students in the future.
The survey can be accessed here
Your response will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be used in anonymous form along with other responses, and will not be used for any other purpose. All responses will be collected centrally by Indecon, and no individual responses will be shared with any other organisation. Completion of this survey is entirely voluntary. The closing date for the survey is Sunday 7th June.
If you have any queries regarding this survey, please contact Natasha Browne at Indecon – E-mail: